Showing posts with label shampoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shampoo. Show all posts

Sunday, October 6, 2019

why Hair Razor Detox isnt sold elsewhere like other products


I’m about to order your product tomorrow morning, I have another question? Why is your product not found all over as a certain shampoo. There’s barely any posts about it, and I seem to only see your reviews only on your website. Any reasoning behind this. I’m without a doubt buying the product but I was just wondering about that when I did my research.

Sent from my iPhone


We do not sell our product thru online headshops or other places like tru "affiliates" (aka fack or paid pages )because  UNLIKE anything else, this is a legit product, not a  aloe rid KNOCKOFF or random method that requires you to use stuff from under your sink ( what does that say about a product anyway? ) 

We,  UNLIKE OTHERS  HAVE to do a consultation  because everyone's use and situations are different

What YOU should be asking is WHY DON'T THEY  Do things that Hair Razor Does 
 Such as Provide Reviews from actual customers who are so satisfied they send in their LAB RESULTS proving they were dirty in the first place and that they passed their hair follicle test?

I was referring to reviews such as YouTube videos of people telling their story with product, Reddit posts, forums etc. Basically why do I don’t see a lot of content about the product on the internet like the other methods?    Why is Hair razor such a unknown product?   Like I said before I will be ordering a set tomorrow.

 REAL people for one DONT WANT THEIR NAME/ FACE  PUBLIC  about using this,   

We dont sell t shirts,  people do leave reviews with us because we give them assured privacy when posting their  ACTUAL LAB RESULTS.  What you really need to understand about forum post that claim they passed using some shampoo is  they NEVER show pre test results showing they were actually dirty. Its may be that the review is fake or that as in THE MAJORITY of cases your talking about a person who THINKS they were dirty from a one time THC use.

  HOWEVER  some have left reviews on a independent reviews site .


THC DOES NOT TRANSFER TO HAIR WITHOUT REPEATED USE .  In short, most who panic buy these aloe rid knock off shampoos were not dirty in the first place, they assume they were then tell people on forums they passed creating a falsehood.

Same with these METHODS  that only exist to sell the shampoo . The shampoo can't do anything without the METHOD STUFF so what good is it?   can you see what a circle jerk this is ?

   FORUMS  are the worst,  bunch of 23 year old pot heads who think they are PHD in chemistry  .  Kids  claim they "passed " ( but no proof or proof they were dirty in first place )  and %90 + are admitted LOW USE THC and DO NOT NEED ANY PRODUCT, we turn away someone every day because WE DON'T THINK THEY NEED IT. So when people go on about how  product ( method) xyz worked on a forum ,...  They are wrong, they could have used motor oil and mayonnaise and passed because they didn't need anything in the first place . 


   BUT ALOE RID KNOCKOFFS WONT TELL YOU THAT,they sell  you a shampoo formula no different than suave AND YOU THINK IT WORKED and people who were actually dirty fail . 


We have reviews with ACTUAL TEST RESULTS   DO ANY OF THEM ?  We have BEFORE AND AFTER LAB RESULTS showing people had LEGIT HEAVY USE and then got rid of it all .  DO THEY?



Friday, June 1, 2018

Hair Razor Detox Reviews (past year )

Just some of the more recent  %100 legit reviews

Most Recent Reviews sent in

 Sent   4-8-2021       

December 2020 - 3 grams of cocaine and two marijuana joints
January 2021 - 2 grams of cocaine and one marijuana joint

Hi there. Sorry for delay

Hello and wow thank you so much. I was sceptical, I have to say, having seen how many charlatans, fraudsters and snake oil salesmen there are out there, trading on people’s desperation and making a load of false promises in order to get rich quick. Thank heavens for Hair Razor, you are the real deal and your product did exactly what you said it was going to do. Yes, it required some time and effort. But I heeded the advice in your consultation, I followed your instructions, and lo and behold, the magic happened! My hair test came back with nothing but “Negatives”. Hallelujah!

Most sane, rational people are aware that current drug laws are archaic and deprive the individual of his/her right to make their own choice of what substances they inhale/ingest. No-one should be on the receiving end of prejudice for exercising their free will to take this or that drug. So long as one isn’t harming anyone else, a person should be free to take whatever drug they want, and not live in fear of losing out on a job or any other life opportunity as a result. The Hair Razor team should be commended for their help in righting this wrong. Your excellent product serves to remedy a huge injustice and that is a great, great thing.

As for the specifics of my treatment…. Over a three month period I had smoked a few joints, did a little bit of MDMA and celebrated Christmas and New Year with a few grams of the old disco dust. You advised me to do over 40 washes and that’s exactly what I did. If I’m honest, I ignored your directive to divide my scalp into different areas and be utterly methodical in the application. I just covered my whole head in your product and that seemed to do the trick.

To all you desperate people out there facing a hair test, I would say this. Don’t waste your time and money on Macujo or any other treatments that claim to wash drug use out of your hair. These websites are just exploiting your misery and making money out of your desperation. YOU CANNOT WASH DRUGS OUT OF YOUR HAIR. SO DON’T EVEN TRY. What you can do, as those smart folk at Hair Razor explain, is METABOLIZE THE METABOLITES. That’s the answer. The only answer. I’m not affiliated with the company in any way, so don’t be suspicious of my hard sell here. I’m just a very relieved, really grateful individual who has benefited immensely from using Hair Razor’s products. They are, in a word, a GODSEND!

Download File

Sent  1-18-2021 the way I have literally referenced you guys to like 30 people. You guys are legit. Keep making my word look good!!! Lol... thanks.

Sent 1-6-2021

opiates   (no details)

I have ordered hair razor detox 2 times an I have passed both times

SENT  11-30-20

Cocaine 1gram almost daily everyday for past several months

Bleach and dye at least 5x in past 2 weeks with MM method everyday for past 4 days

initially told them your going to fail due to hair damage  and i was correct

Well my test results came back...

The sample submitted could not be tested due to severe cosmetic damage😁 I'm pretty sure that was from bleaching alone as I had only done the other method 2 maybe 3x in the days leading up to the test. The day before and day of test I also used stat detox shampoo and ultra clean. I bleached my hair at least 5 or 6x in 2 wks and dyed it 3x


  Sent 10-10-2020

Hello, I've used your products not too long ago and passed the 5 panel with extended opiates test with no problem.

Sent  10-7-2020

Meth 30 grams last month

I did 40 treatments.

Hey I just got the results back from my 10 panel hair drug screening. I showed negative for meth, cocaine and opiates. Which is a miracle. (failed to mention coc and opiate BTW )

Thank you 



 Sent 11-20-2020

initial test for 10,799pg cocaine 
I took a home hair follicle test last week and it came back negative.  I used three triple sets of hair razor on all of my hair.
Download File

Sent  9-22-2020

Thank you. This product is the absolute best, I followed all the instructions, and got about 40 treatments in and I took my own hair test on hairconfirm and I passed. I’m ready for my real exam in about a week!
SENT  9-29-2020

I took a hair test from lab corp and had 3.32ng of morphine

Yes it was after confirmation. And yes just straight morphine (I called and asked if it was from anything else, they said no, it’s straight morphine). I have no idea how. I’ve never knowingly taken that. As I said in my first consult, I did a bunch of Fentanyl from the street so maybe there was traces in that.

here are my PRE and Post treatment labs




  Sent 5-14-2020

Cocaine 50 grams ....  I KNOW   

pre test was 57,600 pg !   (NOTE :  This is a 3 months total  60,0000pg/mg is 6 gram average  a month   

we have pretest levels  print out ..)

You guys are amazing!!! Results came back negative with zero trace of any metabolites!! (120 washes)

Thank you!!!

Sent  4-21-2020

​I went ahead and got the full set and used it all. Went to a lab to get  it done and they sent it to Quest. Results came back NEGATIVE (under 300pg for Cocaine).

Your product is a LIFE SAVER. 

Thanks again!


Sent 2-19-2020

List each drug and the amounts in grams for EACH Month, for the last 3 months ( not a total) *

Month 1

0 pot

2.5 grams coke

38 mg Xanax

Month 2

14 gram pot (cartridge use daily as well) one cartridge per week

2 grams coke

Month 3

14 gram pot (daily cartridge use) 1 cartridge per week

2 grams coke

consult would have been for average of 50 treatments based on 2.5 g coke  (  12 per g so thats 40 ish and she   passed with 40 . 60 is average  a triple set gets,  for short hair  its 45 average

Thank you so much! I passed a test. ( I may have to take another one and i am paranoid because I wore a hat that I wore when I was dirty. Is that a legitimate concern?  not really  I would to like to buy a half set just in case.)I don’t think I got the 60 out of it because my hair is thick and I was overusing product I think. But did enough treatments     ( he only needed 40  )

Sent  8/21/18,

Ok.....first off like everyone  else I had my doubts about any product that could do what  you guys claim could happen. At first I researched and found

 the Mac method  plus old school aloe rid and was actually  about to subject myself to some of the most stupidest and  ridiculous treatment at an incredible price. Then I came  across Hair razor on a forum and thankfully I trusted the  info and reviews.

Now I am one who has done it and can say  it is 100% legit. Don't look any further people please.  Kudos to your group!

By the way follow the directions ( vasaline on neck an dears) . The shit will burn the ever living piss out of your ears. Took a  week for them to heal. 

 Thank you 

> I g/month 80% THC cartridge.  prescribed 10  treatments HAIR FOLLICLE MULTI-DRUG  TESTHairConfirm test results are  anonymous and for personal use only. HairConfirm test  results cannot be used in court or legal proceedings. 


 DRUG TEST RESULTS      Qty  Found     Negative 

  A negative result indicates that none  of the drugs listed were detected at a concentration equal

 to or greater than their listed cutoff  levels. 

Sent 9/4/18,


Used marijuana. About 3 grams per  1-2  months for a couple years. Two months before test I was  using the cartridge pens. Over two months I used 3-4 of the  .5 ml cartridges with 395 milligrams of thc in them but was  not using any regular weed or any other drugs at all.  Quit smoking 23 days before hair test.

 Female with Very thick long blonde  hair, ordered a triple set due to how much hair I have  growing on the crown (back) of my head. Was told to do 6

treatments, I did 7. Used almost all of the step 1. When I  did the treatments i sectioned off my hair and only did the  back so I would not waste product. The psychemedics lab  tested me and from 3 sections of my head. Back left, back  center and back right. Followed directions precisely and  luckily with the help of friends they would do the  applications for me.

 Worth the money, don't waste your time  or money on any other method, be honest in your consult and  follow every direction exactly as it is written 

Sent 9-5, 2018,


 Okay I just wanted to express my sheer  gratitude for this product. I used approximately .25 grams  of methamphetamines 60 days prior to my test. I got a

consult and was told I only needed to do a few treatments. I  did 5, and got the results today that I passed! I am over  the moon happy because I had everything on the line. I am  going to continue my path to sobriety as I never want to  feel the way I have felt awaiting the results again!

Thanks for everything!

Sent from my iPhone

Sent 8-11-17

 wanted to let you know your product is the greatest and probably only solution to the hair test problem out there. I wish I had done a pretest before I started treatment but here's my story:

Had a drug test for a dream job in early May, I had been vaporizing marijuana multiple times a day every day for about 9 years with a couple brief periods of quitting when I could have possibly been tested before. I can pass a urine test in about 8 days due to being extremely active and having low body fat.

showed up on test day and almost shit my pants when they brought the scissors out. Needless to say it didn't go well. I didn't get what my failure rate was but I was informed I failed... I'm assuming I bombed it hard. Back to vaping on my normal schedule and fast forward to the end of July.

Found out I might have another chance at the same job with a different place. Did tons of research online and happen to be lucky enough to find your product. Didn't get a baseline test ( wish I had) but performed 9 treatments and mailed in my sample to hairconfirm. Positive result with .29pg which is technically a pass but by the time I had gotten my result had already done another 6 treatments bringing my grand total to 15 treatments. Mailed in a new hairconfirm test and got the results: all negative with 16 days clean.

I can't believe much information out there saying the hair test is unbeatable or that you have to destroy your hair to beat them. I feel like more people need to know that there is hope and your product is it!

Sent 7-28

So I used the product and recently went to a lab to be tested. The test was done by Quest Diagnostics and the results came back negative. 

Dabs/wax approximately 2-3 grams per month

​Sent 6-15 -17 

 Hello, I wanted to tell you because of your product I passed my hair test, and wanted to tell you thank you so much for all the quick responses you gave me. 

Ectasy- 1 g , Cocaine- 2 g,  Weed-10g  ,

Sent 7-6-20174

Approximately 0.5 grams of cocaine once per week for four weeks in a row starting six weeks ago.

Thank you!
I passed that test from last week!!!! I am so grateful to you. 

Sent 5-30-2017

 On the last test I had

Benzo316  ,Cocaine 416

After 40 treatments I just got my test back and it was a big fat ass NEGATIVE!!!!

Thank you for your help a lot was riding on this for me. You have a great product and I would recommend it to anyone. God bless

Sent from my iPhone


I passed it!

 there was NOTHING in it. 

Sent 5-24-2017

For anyone searching for help...Look no further...THIS IS IT!!

I've never written a review, so here goes. 1g a day high grade bud every day for most of my adult life. Stopped smoking March 23. 29 years old, long thick hair down to the middle of my back.

 Mac method and jerry g was OUT OF THE QUESTION! I wanted to keep my beautiful hair. Searched for hours and came across hair detox/passitkit. Like any of you, I was skeptical only because bs detox shampoos in the past have failed. This is no ordinary bs shampoo. These people handle your history exactly how it needs to be handled.

I took a hair confirm test on April 29, results came back 3.72pg. I thought I was fkd. Got a consult and ordered a double set. Busted out 39 treatments before test day. Followed directions EXACTLY. Any questions I had, I received a quick response. Test May 20, results came back on May 24 negative for everything! Hell yeah, HAIR RAZOR! THANK YOU! I will be a customer for life!! 


Friday, March 17, 2017

Another mac jerry g method DIY detox nightmare story

Looking for information on mac methode hair detox? 


I get these a couple times a week but wanted to share this as they had actual level to report from these random item home remedy desperation attempts


 Head shop shampoo

The person was using meth at 4-6 grams a month .

They originally tried a detox SHAMPOO from the head shop,   so results came back at over 6000 pg /mg  WOW !  

 WHY ? because shampoos are just SHAMPOO   they said 4 to 6 gram and results said 6000pg which is average at 6 GRAMS  so it did NOTHING 

Now comes the desperation and typical surfing the WEB for advise from all the NOT SO EDUCATED  legion of people who think putting out this dangerous info is in anyway helping people. 

The following is cut directly from their consultation 

Started in October Detox from head shop n took hair follicle for court- Failed with meth levels at 6,000 for a 6 month test and also amphetamines.... (I had also been taking Pain Killers and this did not show in my results) not a extended panel 

I stopped using Meth at the beginning of December for over 2 weeks but started back using for a week before test that i had at the end of December. 

I Cut My Hair to right under ear length and then I did Hair Detox from head shop again and

Also home remedy treatments with tide and facial cleanse , then  dying hair etc  and  then more hair detox from shop. I even poured Straight Bleach on my head and Cried for 10 minutes while it set my scalp on fire. 

Also did the salon bleach treatment then dyed hair and Restripped hair again with another bleach kit and washed once More with Detox shampoo after. 

Then I went for My test at the end of December, This was All So Rough on my head that it left blisters n sores on my scalp! After All this trouble I went in for a personal test and still failed with levels of Meth at 1,000pg for a 3 month hair test!

SO MULTIPLE bleaching,   dying, striping  and  shampoos even clorox  (
 Sodium hypochlorite ) and result was a % 17  reduction  

All this probably costing easy over 200 all to blister your head? 

Only needed a single set of Hair Razor (actually a 40.00 Half set if hair is short )

Still think unknown know it all on the web are who you should be listening to ?  

before you go down that road get a Hair Razor detox consultation so your individual use can be assessed and a safe treatment can be suggested  

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Propylene glycol hair detox myth

Propylene glycol is in every commercial shampoo like Aloe Rid and Does nothing for hair detox 

Well this is what Propylene glycol Really is . 

The Myth of Propylene Glycol Hair Detox

Many people believe that propylene glycol, a common ingredient in commercial shampoos like Aloe Rid, has special powers to detoxify hair. However, this is simply not true.

Propylene glycol is a clear, colorless, and hygroscopic liquid that is used in many different applications, including as a rheology modifier in polyurethane formulations, a surfactant and wetting agent in leather finishing, and a primary ingredient in the manufacture of paintballs. It is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products, and soda. Additionally, it is frequently used as a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable, and topical formulations.

While propylene glycol is able to lower the freezing point of water, which makes it useful as an aircraft de-icing fluid and a substitute for ethylene glycol in low toxicity, environmentally friendly automotive antifreeze, it does not have any special powers or abilities to break down drug metabolites in hair.

Propylene glycol is simply a wetting agent when it comes to shampoo. A wetting agent is a substance that lowers the surface tension of a liquid, allowing it to spread more easily. It has no special abilities to detoxify hair.

The myth about propylene glycol hair detox came about because of pseudo-scientists on the internet who randomly picked it off the ingredient list of Aloe shampoos, assuming it must be the magic ingredient. However, there is no magic ingredient, and all shampoos work in the same way. The idea that you need to pay $150 or more for a shampoo containing propylene glycol is ridiculous when you can buy a whole bottle of it from a vaporizer shop for just $5.

It's important to note that shampoos only work for people with low to no drug use. THC requires repeated use to even get to the hair, as it does not incorporate well at all. The shampoo companies are often part of the Mac method cult, which advocates for using harsh chemicals like Tide and bleach to destroy your hair. However, these "methods" are made to sell shampoo.

Most of the ignorant kids who claim that propylene glycol shampoo worked for them online probably didn't need anything. One-time THC use will not show up in hair tests. If they were just barely over the threshold, any shampoo and a bunch of household items could give a 30% reduction and may get them under the wire. However, you can get better results from one single hair razor treatment than from 50 Aloe Rid shampoo washes.



Friday, December 2, 2016

Hair Detox salicylic acid and effect of ph

 How ph effects potency of beta hydroxy acids 

 ( salicylic acid)


Why do these Methods people include salicylic acid ?

They advise using a long list of products, including Pink Clean and Clear and Neutrogena TSAL, both of which are listed as 3% salicylic acid.

(Allow me to ask... why use two products with the same ingredient? What's the logic behind that? Anyway...)

Neutrogena TSAL and Clean and Clear are not as effective as proponents of home methods might believe. Why?

Salicylic acid, classified as a beta hydroxy acid, shares a characteristic with other acids in that its effectiveness hinges on the pH level, which denotes the free available value (FAV). With a pH of 2.8, salicylic acid begins to diminish in potency at a pH of 3, ultimately losing effectiveness at a pH of 4. This decrease occurs because, as the pH increases, salicylic acid undergoes ionization, hindering its ability to penetrate hair and deliver its intended effects. Hence, it's imperative to ensure that the pH of products containing salicylic acid falls within the optimal range to attain the desired results.

Now, if you multiply the percentage of free acid by the concentration of salicylic acid present in the bottle, you can calculate how much is actually available to penetrate your hair.

The pH of Neutrogena pink is not readily available through official sources or product description . However . typical facial cleansers tend to be a pH of 4.5- 6.5


Neutragena pink and TSAL %3 like other  acne products are at ph 5-7 

( %22.8 available  of the % 3 solution)  =  % 0.50  so at 5+ it's   useless

Hair Razors Step 2  at ph 3.0  ( %90 available of the % 4 solution)  = % 3.6  Salycilic acid  

Products and Wait Times

pH affects the acid you use and how it works. Another consideration is not to disturb an acid while it is on your hair, which can alter pH and affect its action.
Generally speaking an acid is effective for approximately 20 minutes. After that point the hair pH has risen enough to lessen the  action, and the acid is effectively neutralized. During this  time frame, the acid is working at effective levels.