Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How to pass a drug test and pass random test


This is how to pass a random drug test 

  Are you looking for a way to use drugs like smoke weed and pass Random test?  We can help you understand how that is done .  First lets go over the different test .  

Passing random Urine test 

First understand all drugs are gone in 3-5 days even THC unless the THC has been used more than once a week.  

SO keep use to a one time a week or less use.  For THC you want to drink a protein shake prior to using . This locks up the metabolites like to how it is stored in fat and keeps it around. This gets most of it locked up and carried off to be pissed away and NOT stored.

For THC the day after use you want to do cardio so you can burn off the newly deposited metabolites.  Cardio is the only way to release THC from FAT STORED so it can then be flushed out.  Dilution from expensive "DETOX DRINKS" or certo methods are no different than gatoraide its just the water and without cardio its not removing anything more on flushing here ,

 regular users typically are not active and thus even one time a week after a few weeks the THC builds up and can show.  However, if your thin and active one time a week is gone in few days like any other drug.   So if you have use more than one time a week get that cardio detox going . The only other way to pass a random even if you do have regular heavy use is to simply carry a quality synthetic urine bottle on you at all times .

Passing a random test for Hair 

First we assume you are clean and not a regular user. First you need a clean slate so if you're going to do this, first get a consultation from Hair Razor and remove all the old use history.  

Metabolites in hair show up after they have been in your system . metabolites such as meth and coke are mobile and transfer in sweat so they will show in hair in hours.  THC does not transfer in sweat so it has to grow out thus YOU WILL NOT SHOW POSITIVE FOR THC HOURS OR DAYS AFTER THC USE .  

SO to be prepared for a random hair test you have to first practice the spreading out of random use mentioned for urine testing for random testing. This will not keep drugs like meth, opiate or cocaine out of hair from a single use. However, a single use can be flushed with detox tea later that night of use so it is gone faster and less can transfer in system over next few days while it is in system. making it easier to treat with Hair Razor Detox.  

You do a treatment day after use for anything transferred in sweat (NON-THC Use), flush with detox tea and then do another treatment of hair razor a week later when hair has grown to scalp. this keeps levels down keeps you ontop of it instead of letting it build up and then if you need to test your not looking at 20 treatments .

In short for Random testing in Hair you need to do maintenance treatments .

 Hair Razor is not a BS Aloe Rid type scampoo .  Hair Razor metabolizes drugs and metabolites. What drug is used and how much determines how many treatments. unlike the scampoos and the insanely damaging "mac or jerry g "METHODS" that are used "UNTIL IT HURTS TOO MUCH TO CONTINUE " that's literally how people say to perform that nonsense . 

All "METHODS" only exist to sell some BS ALOE RID SCAMPOOS .   A $40.00 set of Hair Razor Detox will provide 400 times more positive effect than $300.00 of scalp damage and hair frying "methods" and their shampoo.


SO  in summery  to be able  to use and be on top of having random drug test you need to keep use low, spread out and be proactive with weekly maintenance treatments.   

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