Testing positive in Urine but not in Hair
Let me explain the situation regarding self-tests and the detection of Delta 8 and THC. Self-tests, such as basic ELISA enzyme reagent tests, are commonly used for initial screenings. However, if a positive result is obtained, it needs to be confirmed using a Mass spectrometer. The Mass spectrometer is a highly accurate method to determine if a detected substance is present and identify the specific metabolite.
When it comes to self-tests, they typically classify Delta 8 as THC 9, which is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. Therefore, relying on a self-test to determine THC levels when using Delta 8 products is not meaningful, as it may lead to false conclusions.
If Delta 8 is legally sold and permissible in your region, consuming Delta 8 products should not result in a failed THC test. This is because Delta 8 is a distinct compound from THC 9, and the Mass spectrometer with CURRENT ABILITY to distinguish between the two are still rare .
The following was supplied by independent redditer with lab results showing hair was clean while testing hot MONTHS later from delta 8 products on a urine self test .
This shows the issue of testing positive with cheap self test THC which seem to not be able to differentiate from THC 9

Wanted to post the results I got back today for my personal hair drug test, since it seems like this might be helpful for some people.
I have a extremely good job opportunity at place that does hair follicle sample testing (in manufacturing industry but applying for a software related job at the company). I take maybe 3-4 25mg Delta 8 THC gummies a week, and at least once a week I take a Delta 9 THC 10mg gummy. I’ve been doing this a little under year. I buy the gummies from a local store & distributor that provides COA ( d8 gummies, d9 ones) for their products.
Reading online and seeing a lot of people fail drug test while using ONLY Delta 8, freaked me out enough that thought for sure I would fail too with my frequency of usage, so I bought a home mail in hair drug tests to confirm. I also ordered a ton of the cleaners and shampoos since I assumed I would have to use them.
I took a sample without using any products (just my mid week normal hair routine) and sent it in 04/29, arrived at the lab 05/03, and finally got my results on 05/10. I checked the portal each day to see if the results were up since i didn’t trust the site to actually send an email when they came in (I was right, they didn’t lol).
I ended up negative for everything which really surprised me. I do take Prozac and Wellbutrin XL, so I’m not sure if those had any interference but I highly doubt it.
I only buy gummies from the same local brand, so it makes me think that as long as a manufacturer’s products are quality, standardized, and conform to the Farm Bill with the federal Delta 9 THC limit under 0.03 %, then you will likely pass a drug test that uses GC/MS for confirmation. It possible that you might be marked initially positive but further testing using GC/MS should show that it was flagged for THC, but not Delta 9 THC, which is what is being looked for. I can only speak for the hair test, but also wanted to add that the at home urine tests I bought on amazon was still getting positive for THC on the test after stopping a month and a half ago. This was after my hair sample was sent in.
YMMV but wanted to post my results in case someone is in a similar situation. Feel free to correct me on anything I might have gotten wrong
HOWEVER we have found that the labs who have the ability to discern between delta 8 and thc 9 are few and thus it is a risk
a redditer who commented on the subject stated
Through disa, delta 8 and all the other smoke shop shit will most certainly cause you to fail. I know several people personally, from my previous employer, who got fired from 10+ year long careers over it. The smoke shops claim it won't show up but it will. 2 weeks of use took me 2 months to pass a piss test for thc with tons of activity, lots of water and cranberry juice etc...back in my days of regular bud I could clean up in 2 weeks. The smoke shop shit is a joke and the people selling are fucking clueless about it. It is causing a lot of issues with people where I am losing careers over it because you can pick up a candy bar and a delta pen at the corner store not realizing you won't pass a drug test.