Monday, September 25, 2023

How far back do hair follicle tests ACTUALLY go?


How far back do Hair Follicle Tests ACTUALLY go?


The misunderstood 90 days  thing 


You do not simply wait 90 days from last use and then your ok to take a hair follicle test. 


You see if your trying to grow out your hair to take a test naturally , you first need to detox so nothing is adding to the (1.5" or 3 months) hair window of collection. For all drugs except THC this takes  a week , for THC it can be a week or 4 month depending on use and weight / activity level.

 Then after detox ( plus 10 days to grow last dirty part to scalp ) THEN you can grow naturally clean hair. So at MInimum that 1 month AFTER system i sclean plus ten days.

The 90 day thing is how long they see back at the 1.5" of hair THEY KEEP. longer hair is discarded as they retain  1.5" from scalp for testing.

SO if it takes you 2 months to detox from your level of use you then need 3 months to grow 1.5" of clean hair and it is a 5 month process not 90 days .

All drugs are 4 days from last use plus 10 days to grow out.  EXCEPT retread THC and COCAINE which MIGRATES in hair . meaning coke at 4 months ago in hair will show in  more recent hair although at lower levels.  so just because no coke use in 90 days  doesnt mean you OK , again you still have to grow clean hair and if you have ANY old hair with coke it will migrate to new clean hair . 

So if you do not have 6  months to be sure that you grew it all out and have a clean window for collection you can simply get a Hair Razor Consultation and treat it based on your use and time ( which can be done in average of a week depending on use history ) . Yes it is permanent if your clean when you treat it .

Hair Razor Detox has been around years and is not some bogus Aloe shampoo or sketchy "method" of random items that fry your hair and are only used to sell you that worthless aloe shampoo.  It is proven and testified to by hundreds of users with reviews and  lab results over many years . 


  1. What about time frames on body hair? Detox, growth ect...

  2. thank you i will update post , for now body hair grows difference than head or face as it grows for few weeks and goes dormant thus why body hair isnt a foot long . it will sit dormant until shaved or it falls out . so in old hair it can be different with each follicle . old hair also will have metabolites degraded .
